
(coco) #1


This really only applies to outdoor
growers, but some indoor set-ups such as ScrOG,
SOG and BOG may need to be thinned.
Growers like to grow their plants in a
uniform condition. That is - growers like all
their plants to be the same height. That way we
perfectly arrange our light so that it is too
far away or close to the tops. If one plant is
racy then we would have to adjust the light to
suite that plant. This means that we may end up
with light gaps like the following.

  • Distance from Plant A to light is 1 meter.

  • Distance from Plant B to light is 0.5 meters.

  • Distance from plant C to light is 8 inches.

In this case you could imagine the plants
in a slope shape in there grow environment.
Obviously we are going to be wasting light, not
to mention space on this set-up so we need to
prevent this slope from happening. That is
where thinning comes into play.

The reason for the slope or curve is because
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