
(coco) #1

the leaves are going very yellow, then you need
more Nitrogen. If your plant is in flowering
and you have stunted growth, yellow leaves and
it looks to be dying then you need more
Nitrogen. If your plant is in flowering and
does not look like it is dying but looks red or
dark green/yellow then you need to treat it
with more P, which is Phosphorus. If these do
not help then go to C.

C) If your plant has leaves that are curling
up, twisting and are going yellow then check to
see if your light is burning them or if the
grow chamber has enough air circulation. If
this is fine then you need to consider adding
more Mg which is Magnesium to your plants.
Epsom salts are good - 1/4 - 1/3 table spoon of
Epsom salts to 3 gallons of water is fine. If
you still have a problem go to D).
D) If the tips of the leaves turn brown and
curl slightly then you are looking at a K
problem which is Potassium problem. If not,
move onto E.
E) Does your plant look wilted? Maybe you over-
watered? If not, go to F.

F) The veins are green, but the leaves are
yellow. This is an Iron problem, Fe. If not,
move on to G:)

G) Leaves are not twisted but are yellow at the
base. The tips are fine. This is a Manganese
problem, which is (Mn). If not, move on to H).
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