
(coco) #1

H) Still haven't solved it? Then flush your
soil and find another type of plant food that
has all of these. N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. Get
Epsom Salts and get a small canister of
micronutrient. Iron, boron, chlorine,
manganese, copper, zinc, and molybdenum. Try
using a nutrient mixture that we have already
mentioned before in the indoor feeding section.
If this doesn't solve your problem, then maybe
you have one of the following:
Your plant has outgrown the pot. The entire
root mass would have grown to its maximum
capacity. This causes stress and a variety of
problems. The only cure for this is a bigger
Well...what can we say causes this..Hmm
there are a number of things. If you followed
H) right then you should not have this but we
will explain it anyway. Lockout occurs when the
plant can not get access to a nutrient or a
group of nutrients. This could be caused by the
absence of nutrients (a deficiency) or by a
chemical reaction in the medium/solution that
causes a toxic substance to block the roots, or
causes a chemical reaction that creates another
substance that changes the chemical properties
of the other nutrients. As you can see this is
really a very open subject matter. pH problems
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