
(coco) #1

Take your fine skuff and put into a
cellophane bag. Fold it into a block shape.
Tape the ends of the cellophane down to create
the package.
Press it with your hands to make it more
even and try to create the best square block
you can with it. Use a pin to make a few holes
on both side of the bag. Just scatter a few
around. A hole per square inch is a good
measurement to go by.
Get two or three newspaper pages and dampen
it down with a cloth that has just been rinsed.
Don’t break the paper just dampen it down. Set
an Iron to low heat and place the newspaper
over the cellophane bag. Hold the iron down
over the paper and press it down with medium
pressure for fifteen seconds. Turn the bag over
and place the newspaper on top again. Wet it
down if need. Press again for the same amount
of time. You should only have to do this twice.
Let the bag cool for five minutes and
remove the cellophane. Voila! You have a nice
block of hash like in picture on the
introduction to this book. Easy as pie! Also
your quality of hash will be better than the
street hash you find on the market. Street hash
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