Contemporary Poetry

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94 contemporary poetry

  1. David Sharrock, ‘Martin McGuinness Makes Parting Gift of
    Poetry to Ian Paisley’, The Times, 6 June 2008. Available online
    at 4075640 .ece.

  2. Seamus Heaney, North (London: Faber & Faber, 1975 ); Derek
    Mahon, The Snow Party (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
    1975 ); Paul Muldoon, Quoof (London: Faber & Faber, 1983 ).
    All subsequent references to these editions are given in the

  3. Seamus Heaney, The Government of the Tongue: Selected Prose,
    1978 – 1987 (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1990 ),
    p. xxi.

  4. Seamus Heaney, Preoccupations: Selected Prose 1968 – 1978
    (London: Faber & Faber, 1981 ), pp. 57 – 8.

  5. Ciaran Carson, ‘Escaped from the Massacre?’ The Honest
    Ulsterman, 50 ( 1975 ), 183.

  6. Conor Cruise O’Brien, States of Ireland (New York: Pantheon,
    1972 ), p. 319.

  7. Seamus Heaney, ‘Unhappy and at Home: Interview with
    Seamus Heaney by Seamus Deane’, The Crane Bag, 1 : 1 ( 1977 ),
    61 – 7 (p. 62 ).

  8. Heaney, The Government of the Tongue, p. xvi

  9. Derek Mahon, Collected Poems (Oldcastle: Gallery Press,
    1999 ), p. 89.

  10. Edna Longley, ‘Poetry and Politics in Northern Ireland’, The
    Crane Bag, 9. 1 ( 1985 ), 26 – 40 (p. 36 ).

  11. Michael Donaghy, ‘A Conversation with Paul Muldoon’,
    Chicago Review, 35. 1 ( 1985 ), 76 – 85 (p. 85 ).

  12. Paul Muldoon, ‘An Interview with Paul Muldoon by Claire
    Wills, Nick Jenkins and John Lanchester’, Oxford Poetry
    Online. Available online at
    php?int=iii 1 _paulmuldoon.

  13. Edna Longley, ‘Altering the Past: Northern Irish Poetry and
    Modern Canons’, The Yearbook of English Studies, 35 ( 2005 ),
    1 – 17 (p. 11 ).

  14. Charles Bernstein, Controlling Interests (New York: Roof
    Books, 1980 ), p. 6.

  15. Charles Bernstein, ‘Thought’s Measure’, in Content’s Dream
    (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1986 ), pp. 61 – 86 (p. 62 ).

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