Contemporary Poetry

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politics and poetics 95

  1. Roland Barthes, S/Z, trans. Richard Miller (Oxford: Blackwell,
    [ 1970 ] 2000 ).

  2. Charles Bernstein, ‘Comedy and the Poetics of Political Form’,
    in A Poetics, pp. 218 – 28 (pp. 218 , 220 ).

  3. Charles Bernstein, ‘Three or Four Things I Know About
    Him’, in Content’s Dream, pp. 13 – 33 (p. 26 ).

  4. Charles Bernstein, Girly Man (Chicago: University of Chicago
    Press, 2006 ). All subsequent references to this edition are given
    in the text.

  5. Bernstein, ‘Comedy and the Poetics of Political Form’,
    p. 225.

  6. Bernstein, ‘Comedy and the Poetics of Political Form’, p. 225.

  7. Bernstein, ‘Comedy and the Politics of Poetic Form’, p. 226.

  8. David Orr, ‘The Politics of Poetry’, Poetry, 192. 4 ( 2008 ),
    409 – 18. Available online at
    journal/article.html?id= 181746.

  9. Eliot Weinberger, What I Heard About Iraq (London: Verso,
    2005 ). All subsequent references to this edition are given in the

  10. Mikhail Bakhtin, ‘Discourse in Poetry and Discourse in the
    Novel’, in Michael Hoquist (ed.), The Dialogic Imagination
    (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981 ), p. 286.

  11. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York:
    Schocken Books), p. 382.

  12. Tim Woods, The Politics of the Limit: Ethics and Politics
    in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry (Basingstoke:
    Palgrave, 2002 ), pp. 249 – 50.

  13. Choman Hardi, Life for Us (Newcastle: Bloodaxe, 2004 ). All
    subsequent references to this edition are given in the text.

  14. Choman Hardi, ‘Breaking the Circle of Silence about Anfal
    Women’, available online at

  15. Ibid.

  16. Forché, Against Forgetting, p. 45.

  17. Choman Hardi, ‘Kurdish Women Refugees: Obstacles and
    Opportunities’, Researching Asylum in London Database ( 2005 ).
    Available online at 366.

  18. Yusef Komunyakaa, Dien Cai Dau (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan

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