Contemporary Poetry

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performance and the poem 129

  1. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, ‘Modern Poetry is Prose’, in Poetry as
    Insurgent Art (New York: New Directions, 2007 ), p. 87.

  2. Cited from Robert Lowell’s acceptance speech at the National
    Book Awards for Life Studies in 1960. Available online at http://www. 5903.

  3. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton
    Anthology (New York: Norton & Norton, 1994 ). All subse-
    quent references to this edition of Ferlinghetti’s poems are
    given in the text.

  4. Ferlinghetti, Poetry as Insurgent Art, p. 36.

  5. Amiri Baraka, ‘ Black Art’, in Selected Poetry of Amiri Baraka
    (New York: Morrow, 1979 ), p. 106.

  6. Amiri Baraka, ‘State/Meant’ [ 1965 ], in Donald Hall (ed.), The
    Poetics of the New American Poetry (New York: Grove Press,
    1973 ), pp. 382 – 3, p. 382.

  7. Baraka, Postmodern American Poetry, p. 645.

  8. Amiri Baraka, ‘Expressive Language’ [ 1963 ], in The Poetics of
    the New American Poetry, pp. 373 – 7 (p. 375 ).

  9. Amiri Baraka, Postmodern American Poetry, p. 262. All subse-
    quent references to this edition of Baraka’s poems are given in
    the text.

  10. Jerome Rothenberg, ‘New Models, New Visions: Some Notes
    Toward a Poetics of Performance’, in Postmodern American
    Poetry, pp. 640 – 4 (p. 640 ).

  11. Rothenberg, ‘New Models, New Visions’, p. 641.

  12. Meta DuEwa Jones, ‘Politics, Process & (Jazz) Performance:
    Amiri Baraka’s “It’s Nation Time” ’, African American Review,

  13. 2 / 3 ( 2003 ), 245 – 52 (p. 246 ).

  14. Jones, ‘Politics, Process & (Jazz) Performance’, p. 248.

  15. Jones, ‘Politics, Process & (Jazz) Performance’, p. 249.

  16. Amiri Baraka, ‘Hunting is Not Those Heads on the Wall’, in
    The Poetics of the New American Poetry, pp. 378 – 82 (p. 380 ).

  17. Gayl Jones, Liberating Voices: Oral Tradition in African
    American Literature (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
    Press, 1991 ), p. 201.

  18. Amiri Baraka, cited in Robert G. O’Malley (ed.), The Jazz
    Cadence of American Culture (New York: Columbia University
    Press, 1998 ), p. 538.

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