Contemporary Poetry

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performance and the poem 131

  1. Judith Butler, ‘Performative Acts and Gender Construction’, in
    Michael Huxley and Noel Witts (eds), The Twentieth Century
    Performance Reader (London: Routledge, 1996 ), pp. 128 – 9.

  2. Lyn Hejinian, My Life (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, [ 1980 ]
    1987 ). All subsequent references to this edition of Hejinian’s
    poems are given in the text.

  3. Lyn Hejinian, ‘The Rejection of Closure’ [ 1985 ], in The
    Language of Inquiry (Berkeley: University of California Press,
    2000 ), pp. 40 – 58 (p. 51 ).

  4. Lyn Hejinian, ‘The Person and Description’, Poetics Journal,
    9 ( 1991 ), 167.

  5. Hejinian, ‘The Rejection of Closure’, p. 55.

  6. Lyn Hejinian, ‘If Written is Writing’, in The Language of
    Inquiry, pp. 25 – 9 (p. 28 ).

  7. Judith Butler, ‘Gender as Performance: An Interview with
    Judith Butler by Peter Osbourne and Lynne Segal for Radical
    Philosophy’, in Kathryn Woodward (ed.) Identity and Difference
    (London: Sage, 1997 ), p. 235.

  8. Butler, ‘Gender as Performance’, p. 235.

  9. See the brief discussion in Chapter 1 of Maurice Merleau-
    Ponty, The Phenomenology of Perception, trans. Colin Smith
    (London: Routledge, 1999 ).

  10. Kate Fagan, The Long Moment (Cambridge: Salt, 2002 ), p. 25.
    All subsequent references to this edition of Fagan’s poems are
    given in the text.

  11. Dom Romeo, ‘Interview with Kate Fagan’. Available online
    at 2004 / 03 /kate_

  12. David McCooey, ‘Surviving Australian Poetry: The New
    Lyricism’, 1 May 2007. Available online at http://australia.
    index.php?obj_id= 9031.

  13. Kate Fagan, ‘ “A Work of Acknowledgment,” A Poetics of
    Happily’, How 2 , 1. 6 ( 2001 ). Available online at http://www.asu.
    edu/pipercwcenter/how 2 journal/archive/onlinearchive/
    v 1
    6 _ 2001 /current/readings/encounters/fagan.html.

  14. Fagan, ‘ “A Work of Acknowledgment” ’.

  15. Ezra Pound, The ABC of Reading (New York: New Directions,

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