Contemporary Poetry

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environment and space 167

  1. Geoffrey Hill, ‘An Interview with Geoffrey Hill by John
    Haffenden’, Quarto, 15 ( 1981 ), 19 – 22 , p. 21.

  2. Geoffrey Hill, ‘An Interview with Geoffrey Hill by John
    Haffenden’, in Viewpoints (London: Faber & Faber, 1981 ), p. 94.

  3. Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life (Berkeley:
    University of California Press, 1998 ), p. 93.

  4. Robert Hass, Field Guide (New Haven, CT: Yale University,
    1973 ). All subsequent references to this edition are given in the

  5. Robert Hass, Praise (New York: Ecco, 1979 ). All subsequent
    references to this edition are given in the text.

  6. Edward Casey, Getting Back into Place: Toward a Renewed
    Understanding of the Place World (Bloomington: Indiana
    University Press, 1993 ), p. 313.

  7. Robert Hass, cited in Thomas Gardner, Regions of Unlikeness:
    Explaining Contemporary Poetry (Lincoln: University of
    Nebraska Press, 1999 ), p. 166.

  8. Robert Hass, Time and Materials: Poems 1997 – 2005 (New
    York: Ecco, 2007 ), p. 71.

  9. John Livingstone Clark, ‘Conversation with Anne Szumigalski’,
    Prairie Fire, 18. 1 ( 1997 ), 28 – 37 (pp. 33 – 4 ).

  10. Anne Szumigalski, Dogstones: Selected and New Poems
    (Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1986 ), p. 8.

  11. Ibid. p. 8.

  12. Anne Szumigalski, On Glassy Wings: Selected Poems (Regina:
    Coteau, 1997 ), pp. 89 – 90.

  13. Ibid. p. 90.

  14. Szumigalski, Dogstones, p. 68.

  15. Anne Szumigalski, ‘I^2 = - 1 ’, in Susan McCaslin (ed.), A Matter
    of Spirit: Recovery of the Sacred in Contemporary Canadian
    Poetry (Victoria, BC: Ekstasis, 1998 ), p. 237.

  16. Ibid. p. 237.

  17. Ibid. p. 237.

  18. Szumigalski, On Glassy Wings, p. 59.

  19. Ibid. p. 59.

  20. Ibid. p. 59.

  21. Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space, trans. Donald
    Nicholson-Smith (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991 ), p. 1.

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