Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

Shirley Kaufman: Excerpts from Rivers of Salt (Port Townsend, Wash., 1983)
andRoots in the Air: New and Selected Poems (Port Townsend, Wash., 1996)
reprinted with the permission of Copper Canyon Press.
Jane Kenyon: “Afternoon at MacDowell,” “Chrysanthemums,” “Twilight: After
Haying,” “Let Evening Come,” copyright © 1996 by the Estate of Jane Ken-
yon. Reprinted from New and Selected Poems with the permission of Graywolf
Press, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Galway Kinnell: Excerpt from “The Gray Heron,” from Mortal Acts, Mortal
Words, by Galway Kinnell. Copyright © 1980 by Galway Kinnell. “How Many
Nights,” “The Bear,” “Blackberry Eating,” “The Porcupine,” “The Avenue
Bearing the Initial of Christ into the New World,” “Vapor Trail Reflected in
the Frog Pond,” excerpts from “The Gray Heron,” from Galway Kinnell,
New Selected Poems. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company.
Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Galway Kinnell. Reprinted with the permission
of Bloodaxe Books.
Maxine Kumin: “Splitting Wood at Six Above,” copyright © 1978, 1996 by Maxine
Kumin. “The Bangkok Gang,” copyright © 1981, 1996 by Maxine Kumin, from
Selected Poems, 1960–1990, by Maxine Kumin. Used by permission of W. W.
Norton & Company, Inc. “Credo,” from Looking for Luck by Maxine Kumin.
Copyright © 1992 by Maxine Kumin. Used by permission of W. W. Norton &
Company, Inc.
Stanley Kunitz: “End of Summer,” copyright © 1953, 1958, 2000 by Stanley Kunitz,
“Quinnapoxet,” copyright © 1978, 2000 by Stanley Kunitz, “The Testing-
Tree,” copyright © 1968, 1995, 2000 by Stanley Kunitz, “The Wellfleet Whale,”
copyright © 1985, 1995, 2000 by Stanley Kunitz, “Raccoon Journal,” copyright
© 1985, 1995, 2000 by Stanley Kunitz, “The Snakes of September,” copyright
© 1985, 1995, 2000 by Stanley Kunitz, from The Collected Poems by Stanley
Kunitz. Used by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
D. H. Lawrence: “Snake” by D. H. Lawrence, “Fish” by D. H. Lawrence, “Moun-
tain Lion” by D. H. Lawrence, from The Complete Poems of D. H. Lawrence
by D. H. Lawrence, edited by V. de Sola Pinto and F. W. Roberts, copyright
© 1964, 1971 by Angelo Ravagli and C. M. Weekley, Executors of the Estate
of Frieda Lawrence Ravagli. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division
of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Reproduced by permission of Pollinger Limited
and The Estate of Frieda Lawrence Ravagli.
Denise Levertov: Excerpts from “In California” and “For Instance” from The Life
Around Us: Selected Poems on Nature (1997); excerpt from “Illustrious Ances-
tors,” from Selected Poetry (2002); excerpt from “An English Field in the Nu-
clear Age,” from Poems 1972–1982 (1982); excerpts from “Listening to Distant
Guns” from Collected Earlier Poems, 1940–1960 (1979); excerpt from “Life
at War,” from Poems 1968–1972 (1987); excerpts from “For Floss” and “The
Pulse” from Poems 1960–1967 (1983). Reproduced by permission of Pollinger
Limited and the proprietor. Excerpts from “In California: Morning, Evening,
Late January,” and “For Instance,” from A Door in the Hive, by Denise Lever-
tov, copyright © 1989 by Denise Levertov; excerpt from “An English Field in
the Nuclear Age,” from Candles in Babylon, copyright © 1982 by Denise Lever-
tov; excerpts from “Illustrious Ancestors” and “Listening to Distant Guns,”

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