Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1


from Collected Earlier Poems, 1940–1960, copyright 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961,
1979 by Denise Levertov; excerpt from “The 90th Year” from Life in the Forest,
copyright © 1978 by Denise Levertov; excerpts from “For Floss,” “Life at
War,” and “The Pulse,” from Poems, 1960–1967, copyright © 1966 by Denise
Levertov. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.
Robert Lowell: “Fall 1961,” “The Mouth of the Hudson,” and excerpts from
“Waking Early Sunday Morning,” “Skunk Hour,” and “For the Union Dead”
from Collected Poems by Robert Lowell. Copyright © 2003 by Harriet Lowell
and Sheridan Lowell. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
LLC. Excerpt from “The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket” in Lord Weary’s
Castle, copyright 1946 and renewed 1974 by Robert Lowell, reprinted by
permission of Harcourt, Inc., and Faber and Faber Limited.
W. S. Merwin: Excerpts Copyright © 2005 W. S. Merwin, reprinted with
permission of The Wylie Agency.
Edna St. Vincent Millay: Excerpts reprinted with permission of the Millay Society.
Marianne Moore: “The Fish” and excerpt from “Poetry.” Reprinted with the per-
mission of Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group,
and Faber and Faber Limited. from The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore by
Marianne Moore. Copyright © 1935 by Marianne Moore; copyright renewed
© 1963 by Marianne Moore and T. S. Eliot. All rights reserved.
George Oppen: “Psalm,” from Collected Poems, copyright © 1975 by George
Oppen. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.
Kenneth Rexroth: Excerpt from “Gic to Har” by Kenneth Rexroth from The
Collected Shorter Poems, copyright © 1966 by Kenneth Rexroth. Excerpt from
“Toward an Organic Philosophy,” from Selected Poems, copyright © 1940, 1956
by Kenneth Rexroth; “Andree Rexroth, Mt Tamalpais,” from Selected Poems,
copyright © 1950 by Kenneth Rexroth; “When We With Sappho” and excerpts
from “Andree Rexroth: Kings River Canyon” and “Incarnation,” from The
Collected Shorter Poems, copyright © 1944 by Kenneth Rexroth; excerpt from
“Time Is the Mercy of Eternity,” from The Collected Shorter Poems, copyright
© 1956 by Kenneth Rexroth; “Brimming Water” and “Snow Storm,” by Tu Fu,
translated by Kenneth Rexroth, from One Hundred Poems from the Chinese,
copyright © 1971 by Kenneth Rexroth. Reprinted by permission of New Direc-
tions Publishing Corp.
Theodore Roethke: “Cuttings,” copyright 1948 by Theodore Roethke, “Cuttings
(Later),” copyright 1948 by Theodore Roethke, “Root Cellar,” copyright 1943
by Modern Poetry Association, Inc., “Words for the Wind,” copyright 1955 by
Theodore Roethke, “His Foreboding,” copyright © 1963 by Beatrice Roethke,
Administratrix of the Estate of Theodore Roethke, “The Lost Son,” copyright
1947 by Theodore Roethke, “In a Dark Time,” copyright © 1960 by Beatrice
Roethke, Administratrix of the Estate of Theodore Roethke, “The Longing,”
copyright © 1962 by Beatrice Roethke, Administratrix of the Estate of Theo-
dore Roethke, from Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke by Theodore Roethke.
Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc., and
Faber and Faber Limited.

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