Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

actions, making the job of demons extremely
pleasant, because they didn't even have to
break down the walls of moral foundation.
The fourth, was the belief that any
'channeled' entity comes from a higher
source, when in fact it was given to me to
observe several demons fulfilling this
function, some going so far as to make lofty
claims about their identities, saying they
were great masters and the like. Although
there are legitimate channelers who speak
with the tongues of men and angels, it was
made very clear that a great deal of
discernment was required in knowing the
true from the false prophets. One obvious
criteria for making such discernment would
be to stand aware of any of these erroneous
"For he who uses the gift of tongues to seek
after riches, or to hold sway over his
enemies, he shall no longer be a Son of Light,
but a whelp of the devil and a creature of
The Essene Gospel of Peace, Volume 4, The
Essene Communions, Page 11, Paragraph 4,
(Christianity, Gnostic/Essene, Words of Christ)
Diabolical liaisons surrounding souls
who believed such doctrines included dark

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