parasitic creatures, bats, tarantulas, webs,
serpents, ooze and sludge coming from the
pores. Disturbing to witness the level of
darkness involved with such erroneous
beliefs, all of them were completely deluded,
convinced they were following a higher
path. Neglecting to realize that what they
believed was very similar to another well-
known doctrine, the doctrine of the fall, they
were being led down the road of perdition
completely unaware. Beware the serpent,
for he comes in many faces, and he deceives
the most sincere among you.
Many souls were led down this road
of perdition, even though they had begun
their paths sincerely. Who would not prefer
a doctrine of unconditional love which
supports a soul, no matter what place upon
the path he may be? But this doctrine of
unconditional love was not meant to harbor
souls in their sleep, but rather to catapult
them into movement on their paths of
karmic purification. Compassion and
understanding are very much needed as a
soul travels down the rocky road of karmic
influence, but with the truth firmly rooted at
his side. Forgiveness and understanding
regarding one another's fallibility cannot be