Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

restaurant, a flash of information suddenly
came into my soul. I knew that, in a moment,
a man was going to run into this public place
and begin randomly shooting at people, and
it was my job to stop it. Panicking, I ran
towards the door as the man entered and
blocked his gunfire with my body, taking the
shots into myself and falling to the ground.
The man stopped shooting.
Chief Joseph's voice spoke in my
head, "Try again, you'll understand." But the
same scene repeated two more times, and I
responded in a similar fashion. What made
it more difficult was that before each try, I
couldn't remember having done it
immediately before.
Appearing to me with his peace pipe,
Joseph looked at me intensely. Suddenly, I
saw them. Their energies were phasing in
and out, in and out. Hundreds of them
appeared in a circle of energy around me.
Chief Joseph continued smoking the pipe.
"These are the Medicine Women from
throughout the ages," he said, as one
approached me holding a white-fringed
native dress, moccasins and a pair of wings.
Humble and quiet in her demeanor, she said,
"We wish to pass our medicine onto you."

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