The Sudan Handbook

(Barré) #1
table 12.1
anyanya and SPlM/SPla: a coMPariSon

beGinninG oF anyanya War
1954–8: Southerners lobby for federal state

  • 1954 Juba Conference confirms support for
    1955: Torit Mutiny and Southern Disturbances
    1957: National elections return large federalist
    bloc of Southern MPs to parliament
    1958–64: First military government

  • 1960–4 Policy of Arabization

  • 1962 school strikes throughout South

  • Refugee movements into neighbouring
    1962: SANU exile movement formed
    1963: Emergence of Anyanya as organized
    guerilla force

anyanya recrUitMent

  • Mutineers

  • Civil servants

  • Students

  • Largely local recruits serving in local units

anyanya Military StrUctUre

  • Mainly organized by provinces

  • No external training camps or supply centres

  • Inter-provincial co-operation improved
    towards end

  • Loose hierarchy of military command

anyanya eXternal SUPPort

  • Church organizations

  • Unreliable neighbours (Obote hostile, Amin

  • No support from OAU

  • Israel after 1967

beGinninG oF SPla War
1975–6: ‘Anyanya 2’ formed in Ethiopia
1980–3: Increased Anyanya 2 activity

  • ‘Abyei Liberation Front’ active
    1983: Beginning of war

  • Bor Mutiny (16 May)

  • Abolition of Southern Region (24 May)

  • Amalgamation of Anyanya 2 and mutineers
    with formation of SPLM/SPLA in Ethiopia (July)

  • Introduction of ‘September Laws’

SPla recrUitMent

  • Mutineers

  • Civil servants

  • Students and young people

  • Organized recruiting throughout ‘liberated

SPla Military StrUctUre

  • Organized along orthodox military lines
    (battalions, brigades)

  • External training camps and bases for first
    eight years

  • Large internal bases

  • Hierarchy of military command
    SPlM/SPla eXternal SUPPort

  • Ethiopia: Derg regime 1983–91; current regime
    after 1995

  • Lonrho up until 1991

  • Uganda under Museveni

  • Kenya (passive?)

  • Eritrea in the 1990s

  • Southern African liberation movements in
    1990s (through SPLM Harare office)


The Sudan Handbook, edited by John Ryle, Justin Willis, Suliman Baldo and Jok Madut Jok. © 2011 Rift Valley Institute and contributors


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