The Sudan Handbook

(Barré) #1
anyanya souRCE of aRms

  • Stolen/captured government weapons

  • Weapons captured from ‘Simba’ in 1965

  • Weapons supplied by external supporters
    towards the end of war (Uganda, Israel)

anyanya thEatRE of oPERations

  • Confined to rural areas of Southern Sudan

  • No towns taken

anyanya foRm of administRation

  • Rudimentary civil structures

  • ‘Shadow’ administration of chiefs in rural

  • No relief wing

anyanya oRGanizational ChallEnGEs

  • Guerrilla factionalism at beginning

  • Exile political wings often divorced from
    armed wings

  • Unified command with external support at

  • Political wing subordinated to military
    command at end

anyanya obJECtiVEs & aChiEVEmEnts

  • Self-determination

  • Semi-autonomous Southern Region

anyanya undER PEaCE aGREEmEnt

  • Absorbed into regular army, police, prisons,
    game wardens

  • Many soldiers rotated out of South to
    northern garrisons

  • Senior officers gradually retired and weeded
    out of army

sPla souRCE of aRms

  • Captured weapons

  • Weapons supplied by Ethiopia

  • Weapons obtained from sympathetic
    movements (SWAPO, ANC)

  • Arms purchases
    sPla thEatRE of oPERations

  • Extensive control of Southern Sudan

  • Several towns taken and held, including a
    number of province capitals

  • Expanded fighting outside Southern Sudan
    (Nuba Mountains, southern Blue Nile, Eastern

sPla foRm of administRation

  • Military-civil administrators

  • Co-optation and subordination of chiefs

  • Boma/Payam/County structure created in

  • Organized relief wing
    sPla oRGanizational ChallEnGEs

  • Unified command with external support from
    the beginning

  • Political wing subordinated to military
    command (‘no paper cabinets’)

  • Factionalism emerges with loss of external

  • Partial re-unification achieved at end
    sPlm obJECtiVEs & aChiEVEmEnts

  • ‘New Sudan’

  • CPA

  • Stronger Southern government

  • Ministerial positions in national government

  • Self-determination

sPla undER PEaCE aGREEmEnt

  • Separate army retained in South

  • Demobilization and/or absorption of militias

  • JIU’s formed from SPLA and SAF as separate


The Sudan Handbook, edited by John Ryle, Justin Willis, Suliman Baldo and Jok Madut Jok. © 2011 Rift Valley Institute and contributors


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