Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
19 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Milk Constituents 437

Lipid oxidation can be prevented or controlled by

  • Avoiding metal contamination at all stages of
    processing through the use of stainless steel

  • Avoiding exposure to UV light by using opaque
    packing (foil or paper).

  • Packaging under an inert atmosphere, usually N 2.

  • Use of O 2 or free radical scavengers, for
    example, glucose oxidase and superoxide
    dismutase (indigenous enzymes in milk),

  • Use of antioxidants that break the free-radical
    chain reaction; synthetic antioxidants are not
    permitted in dairy products, but the level of
    natural antioxidants, for example, tocopherols
    (vitamin E), in milk may be increased by
    supplementing the animal’s feed. Polyphenols
    are very effective antioxidants; their direct
    addition to dairy products is not permitted, but it
    may be possible to increase their concentration in
    milk by supplementing the animal’s feed.
    Antioxidants are compounds that readily supply
    a H•to fatty acid and peroxy radicals, leaving a
    stable oxidized radical. Many antioxidants are
    polyphenols, which give up a H•and are
    converted to a quinone; examples are tocopherols
    (vitamin E) and catechins. At low concentrations,
    ascorbic acid is a good antioxidant, but at high
    concentations it functions as a prooxidant,
    apparently as a complex with Cu. Sulphydryl
    groups of proteins are also effective antioxidants;
    cream for butter making is usually heated to a
    high temperature to denature proteins and
    expose/activate sulphydryl groups.


Since the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in
milk are derived from the animal’s diet, large season-
al variations in their concentration in milk can be
expected. The breed of cow also has a significant
effect on the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins in
milk; high-fat milk (Jersey and Guernsey) has a high-
er content of these vitamins than Friesian or Holstein
milk. Variations in the concentrations of fat-soluble
vitamins in milk have a number of consequences:

  • Nutritionally, milk contributes a substantial
    portion of the RDA for these vitamins to Western

diets; it is common practice to fortify milk and
butter with vitamins A and D.

  • The yellow-orange color of high-fat dairy
    products depends on the concentrations of caro-
    tenoids and vitamin A present, and hence on the
    diet of the animal. New Zealand butter is much
    more highly colored than Irish butter, which in
    turn is much more yellow than American or
    German products. The differences are due in part
    to the greater dependence of milk production in
    New Zealand and Ireland on pasture and to the
    higher proportion of carotenoid-rich clover in
    New Zealand pasture and the higher proportion
    of Jersey cows in New Zealand herds.

  • Goats, sheep, and buffalo do not transfer
    carotenoids to their milk, which is, consequently,
    whiter than bovine milk. Products produced from
    these milks are whiter than corresponding
    products made from bovine milk. The darker
    color of the bovine milk may be unattractive to
    consumers accustomed to caprine or ovine milk
    products. If necessary, the carotenoids in bovine
    milk may be bleached (by benzoyl peroxide) or
    masked (by chlorophyll or TiO 2 ).

  • Vitamin E (tocopherols) is a potent antioxidant
    and contributes to the oxidative stability of dairy
    products. The tocopherol contents of milk and
    meat can be readily increased by supplementing
    the animal’s diet with tocopherols, which is
    sometimes practiced.



Technologically, the proteins of milk are its most im-
portant constituents. They play important, even es-
sential, roles in all dairy products except butter and
anhydrous milk fat. The roles played by milk proteins
are nutritional, physiological, and physicochemical:

  • Nutritional:All milk proteins.

  • Physiological:Immunoglobulins, lactoferrin,
    lactoperoxidase, vitamin-binding proteins,
    protein-derived biologically active peptides.

  • Physicochemical:

    • Gelation.Enzymatically, acid or thermally
      induced gelation in all cheeses, fermented
      milks, whey protein concentrates and isolates.

    • Heat stability.All thermally processed dairy

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