Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1

438 Part IV: Milk

  • Surface activity.Caseinates, whey protein
    concentrates, and isolates.

  • Rheology.All protein-containing dairy

  • Water sorption:Most dairy products,
    comminuted meat products.

Milk proteins have been studied extensively and
are very well characterized at molecular and func-
tional levels (for reviews see Fox and McSweeney


It has been known since 1830 that milk contains two
types of protein, which can be separated by acidifica-
tion to what we now know as pH 4.6. The proteins
insoluble at pH 4.6 are called caseins and represent
about 78% of the total nitrogen in bovine milk; the
soluble proteins are called whey or serum proteins.
As early as 1885, it was shown that there are two
types of whey protein, globulins and albumins, which
were thought to be transferred directly from the
blood (the proteins of blood and whey have generally
similar physicochemical properties and are classified
as albumins and globulins). Initially, the term casein
was not restricted to the acid-insoluble proteins in
milk but was used to describe all acid-insoluble pro-
teins; however, it was recognized at an early stage
that the caseins are unique milk-specific proteins.
The casein fraction of milk protein was consid-
ered initially to be homogeneous, but from 1918
onwards, evidence began to accumulate that it is het-
erogeneous. Through the application of free bound-
ary electrophoresis (FBE) in the 1930s and zone elec-
trophoresis in the 1960s, in starch or polyacrylamide
gels (SGE, PAGE) containing urea and a reducing
agent, it has been shown that casein is in fact very
heterogeneous. Bovine casein consists of four fami-
lies of caseins: s1, s2, , and , which represent
about 38, 10, 36, and 12%, respectively, of whole
casein. Urea-PAGE showed that each of the casein
families exhibits microheterogeneity due to

  • Genetic polymorphism, usually involving
    substitution of one or two amino acids;

  • Variations in the degree of phosphorylation;

  • Varations in the degree of glycosylation of -

  • Inter-molecular disulphide bond formation in
    s2- and -caseins; and

    • Limited proteolysis, especially of - and as s2-
      caseins, by plasmin; the resulting peptides
      include the - and -caseins and proteose
      In the 1930s, FBE showed that both the globulin
      and albumin fractions of whey protein are heteroge-
      neous, and in the 1950s, the principal constituents
      were isolated and characterized. It is now known
      that the whey protein fraction of bovine milk com-
      prises four main proteins:-lactoglobulin (-lg),-
      lactalbumin (-la), immunoglobulins (Igs), and blood
      serum albumin (BSA), which represent about 40, 20,
      10, and 10%, respectively, of the total whey protein in
      mature milk. The remaining 10% is mainly nonpro-
      tein nitrogen and trace amounts of several proteins,
      including about 60 indigenous enzymes. About 1%
      of total milk protein is part of the MFGM, including
      many enzymes.-lg and-la are synthesized in the
      mammary gland and are milk specific; they exhibit
      genetic polymorphism (in fact the genetic polymor-
      phism of milk proteins was first demonstrated for-
      lg in 1956). BSA, most of the Ig (IgG), and most of
      the minor proteins are transferred from the blood.
      Methods for the isolation of the individual pro-
      teins were developed and gradually improved during
      the period 1950–1970, so that by about 1970 all the
      principal milk proteins had been purified to homo-
      The concentration of total protein in milk is af-
      fected by most of the factors that affect the concen-
      tration of fat, that is, breed, individuality, nutritional
      status, health, and stage of lactation, but with the
      exception of the last, the magnitude of most effects
      is less than in the case of milk fat. The concentration
      of protein in milk decreases very markedly during
      the first few days postpartum, mainly due to the
      decrease in Ig from approximately 10% in the first
      colostrum to 0.1% within about 1 week. The concen-
      tration of total protein continues to decline more
      slowly thereafter, to a minimum after about 4 weeks,
      and then it increases until the end of lactation. Data
      on variations in the groups of proteins throughout
      lactation have been published (see Mehra et al.
      1999), but there are few data on variations in the
      concentrations of the individual principal proteins.


The six principal milk-specific proteins have been
isolated and are very well characterized at the mo-
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