Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 753

Essential phytochemicals, 45–47
isoflavonoids, 46
Essential vitamins, 37–42
vitamin A, 37
vitamin C, 37–40
vitamin E, 40–42
Ester volatiles, 509
Esterases, 304, 318–319, 606
Esterification, 122
Esters, 666, 668, 676
acetate, 668
biosynthesis, 668
C 6 -C 10 medium chain fatty acid ethyl, 668
synthetase, 668
Ethanol acetyltransferase, 669
Ethanol, 382, 622–623, 666
acetate, 668–669
caproate, 668
caprylate, 668
carbamate, 53
hexanoate, 668
octanoate, 668
Ethylene biosynthesis, 492
Ethylene production in fruit ripening, 19
Ethylene, 4
Exoprotease, 579
Expasin, 280
Expression system, 191–193, 196, 203, 212
bacterial cells, 191–196
baculovirus, 195
Extein, 212
Extracellular enzymes, 388
Extracellular matrix, 386–388
Extrusion, 555–556
Exudative meats, 304–305

Fat crystallization, 606, 608
Fat, 304–310, 642–643, 646
Fatty acids, 49–50, 61, 299, 307–308, 318–319, 327–331,
650, 654, 656, 665, 674
monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 49
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), 49
saturated fatty acids (SFA), 49
unsaturated, 665
Fatty fish, 352–353
Feed, 298, 306–308
Feedback inhibition, 159
Fermentation, 322, 605, 647–648
continuous, 675, 677
high-gravity, 661
main, 677
quotient, 626
secondary, 672

dairy products, 593–614
bakery and cereal products, 615–636
beer, 659–685
foods, 53, 61
protective culture, 53–54
starter culture, 36, 53
fish paste and sauce, 370
endogenous proteases, 370
proteolysis, 370
meat, 641–658
milk, 461–463
kefir, 461
yoghurt, 461–463
sausages, 293, 322, 327–328, 332
comminution, 646
flavor. SeeAroma; taste
mixing, 646
odor. SeeAroma
origin, 641
processing stages, 646–652
safety, 651–652
stuffing, 647
Ferritin, 43
Ferulic acid dehydrodimer, 573
Ferulic acid esterase, 575, 579
Ferulic acid, 570–574, 579
Fibers, 294
Ficin, 10, 12
FightBac, 701
filamentous fungi, 195
heterologous, 191–193, 195–196
insect cells, 194–195
mammalian cells, 192, 195–196
prokaryotic, 192
transgenic animals, 196–197
transgenic plants, 196
Trypanosomatid protozoa, 196
yeast, 191, 193–196
Filefish, 393
Fish and shellfish
astaxanthin 339
blackspot 344
canthaxanthin 339
carboxymyoglobin 342
carotene 338
carotenoproteins 338
color 341
dark muscle 339
exoskeleton 344
heat treatment 341
light muscle 342
light scattering 341
lobster 344
Mackerel 340

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