Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
754 Index

Fish and shellfish (continued)
lelanosis 344
polyphenol oxidase 344
salmonids 338
sulphites 344
Tuna 340, 341, 342
Xantophile 339
Fish, 82, 88
oil, 353, 356
paste, 379, 391
sauce, 379, 391, 393
silage, 379, 392
Flavor compounds, 84, 622–624
flocculate, 671, 673
foam stability, 672
Flavor, 304–305, 331–332, 605–606, 611,625, 666
cardboard, 673
fullness, 673
maturation, 675
stability, 673
threshold, 667–668
Flour, 571–574, 581–585
Fluorescent in situ hybridization, 729–730
Fluorescence, 559
Fluorescent assays, 30
Fluorescent labeled immunoassays, 735
Flux control coefficient, 263
Fold purification, 171
Food and Drug Administration, 356
biochemistry, 1, 3
losses, 3
poisoning, 3
technology, 21
Food safety, 687–703
Foodborne illnesses in the Uited States, 705
Formaldehyde, 385–386
Formation of carotenoids, 16
Free energy change ($Delta$G), 158, 159f
Free fatty acids, 389–390, 618
Free radical, 88
Freezer burn, 367
Fresh-fish odor biogeneration, 15
Freshness indicator, 384
Freshness, 379, 384
Freshwater prawn, 358
microstructural changes, 358
Fructans, 568, 570
Fructose, 80–82, 84–85, 622, 660, 664
Fructoselysine, 80
Fruit, general considerations, 485–514
composition, 498
ripening and softening, 491
Fruit, processing, 515, 517, 519–521, 523, 525, 527, 529,
531, 533–535

apple juice, 515, 524–529, 531–532, 535
applesauce, 515, 529, 531–532
apples, sliced, 515, 529
biochemical composition, 524, 527, 529, 531, 534
browning, 515, 520–522, 531
canning, 515, 517, 520, 523
dried apple, 515, 535
enzyme, 515, 518–521, 524–526, 531
freezing, 515, 517, 520–521, 523, 530
nutritional value, 515, 522, 531
preservation, 515, 524, 527–529, 531, 535
processed apple, 515, 529, 531, 535
quality control, 515, 518–523
Frying 82
FUM1gene, 670
Fumarase, 670
Fumarate reductase, 670
Functional foods, 611
Fungi, 691, 698
Furaldehyde, 83–84
Furfural, 86–87
Furosine, 83, 557–558
Furoyl-methyl-GABA, 557, 558
Fusarium, 691, 698
Fusel alcohols, 666, 669

Gadiform fish, 385, 386
Galactose, 82
Galactosidase, 4
Galactosyl glycerides, 618
Galacturonic acid reductase, 38
Gaping, 384, 386, 387
Garlic extract, 77
Gas chromatography, 28–29, 31
GDP1gene, 666
Gel filtration, 29
Gelatinization temperature, 616
Gelling capability, 392
acid-coagulated, 602
enzyme-coagulated, 599, 602
formation, 599, 602, 610
Genetic engineering
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 56–56
food processing, 20
genetics, 304
pectic enzymes in tomato, 277
beta-Galactosidase, 280
double transgenic tomato lines in food processing,
pectinmethylesterase, 278
polygalacturonase, 277
techniques, 78
Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP), 37, 41

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