Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 765

Sausages, types of
French saucisson, 642
German teewurst, 642
Hungarian salami, 642
Italian salami, 642
Lebanon Bologna, 642
pepperoni, 642
Spanish salchichón, 642
summer sausage, 642
Scalding, 604
Schiff’s base, 80, 91
Scombroid poisoning, 4, 17
Seafood, 351–378
consumption recommendations, 357
enzymes, 379–400
freezing and frozen storage, 366–370
degradation of trimenthylamine oxide, 369
dehydration effect, 367
ice crystal effect, 367
lipid oxidation and hydrolysis, 368–369
protein denaturation, 367
reaction of protein with intact lipids, 368
reaction of proteins with oxidized lipids, 368
solute concentration effect, 368
glycogen in, 352
health attributes, 352–353, 356–357
lipids in, 371
fatty species, 359
lean species, 359
low fat species, 359
medium fat species, 359
nitrogenous compounds in, 371
nutritive composition of major groups, 352–356
effect of processing, 353
macronutrients, 352, 353
micronutrients, 353, 356
pigments in, 371
processing methods for, 371
quality indices in, 371
quality problems, 361–363
minimization of lipid-derived problems, 362–363
novel processing methods, 361–362
related to lipids in fish, 361–363
Secale cerealeL. xylanase inhibitor (SCXI), 579
Secalin, 574–577, 580
aggregation behavior, 576, 577
amino acid composition, 574–576, 580
conformation, 575, 577
high molecular weight (HMW), 574–575, 577
low molecular weight (LMW), 575
molecular weight, 575–577
S-poor, 574, 576
S-rich, 574, 575
-secalin, 575
40k -secalin, 575–577

75k -secalin, 575–577
-secalin, 575–577
Secondary plant products, 506
Seed lipids, 13
Semidry-fermented sausages. SeeFermented sausages
Sepharose, 199
Sequential model for allosteric enzymes, 156
Serine protease, 575, 579–580
SFA1gene, 667
Shaping, 604
Shark, 358
ammonia, 358
urease, 358, 359
Shelf life, 690, 691
Shellfish, 380, 381, 386, 390, 391
Shiga disentiriaeshiga toxin, 714
Shiga toxin (Stx), 57, 60, 714
Shigella,695, 729
Shortening, 624
Shorts, 570, 580
Shrimp, 365
canned, 371
dried, 371
SI unit, 171
Sigmoid curve, 162
Size exclusion chromatography, 26–27
Smoke-cured seafood, 371
cold-smoked fish, 370
Smoking, 643, 651
SNF1, 257
Sodium chloride, 75–76. See alsoSalt
Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophore-
sis (SDS-PAGE), 170
Sorbitol, 87
Sorghum, 615
Sour cream, 598, 608–609
Sourdough, 582–583
acetic acid, 582
bread, 624–630
heterofermentative lactic acid fermentation, 582
homofermentative lactic acid fermentation, 582
lactic acid, 582
microbiology, 625
one-stage process, 582
processes, 626–627
starters, 625–626
three-stage process, 582
two-stage process, 582
Soxhlet extraction, 27
Spacer, 199
Spawning, 379, 389
Specific activity, 171
Specificity, 175, 176, 199, 201, 202, 212
regiospecificity, 175
stereospecificity, 175

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