Modern Hindi Grammar - Indian Institute of Language Studies (IILS)

(Brent) #1


  1. yah maamalaa saaf hO.
    yeh ma:mla: sa:f h ́.
    this matter clear is
    This matter is clear. or It is clear.

  2. ]sanao maohnat kI.
    usne mehnat ki:.
    he-erg hard work did
    He worked hard.

  3. ]samaoM takt hO.
    usmẽ ta:kat h ́.
    he-obl-loc strength be
    (S)he is strong/healthy. or (S)he has strength.
    The third category employs a sequence of verbs like pZ, laonaa parh
    lena: ‘to read’, and ilaK donaa likh dena: ‘to write’.

  4. ]sanao AKbaar pZ, ilayaa.
    usne axba:r parh liya:.
    he-erg newspaper read took-explicator-ms
    He read the newspaper.

  5. maOMnao icaT\zI ilaK dI.
    m ́~ne citthi: likh di:.
    I-erg letter write gave-explicator-fs
    I wrote the letter.

The subject of a transitive verb in the past tense is in the oblique
case, followed by the case sign or the postposition nao ne.

  1. laD,ko nao laoK ilaKa.
    larke ne lekh likha:.
    boy-erg essay-ms wrote-ms
    The boy wrote an essay.

  2. laD,kI nao p~ ilaKa.
    larki: ne patr likha:.
    girl-erg letter-ms wrote-ms
    The girl wrote a letter.

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