Human Resources People Management

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To view personal to do list entries:

  1. Open the Personal To Do List window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Miscellaneous >> To Do Personal)

  2. Select a category to view.

  3. Use the up arrow icon button to view future dates and use the down
    arrow icon button to view previous dates.

  4. Choose the hide and show buttons to view additional information.

Creating a personal to do list entry

Use the Personal To Do Entry window to enter calendar activities, such as
applicant interview dates, skill expiration dates and property due dates.
You also can post an early reminder for activities and assign entries to other
users. Personal To Do List entries can be created only for the company
you’re logged in to.

To create a personal to do list entry:

  1. Open the Personal To Do List window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Miscellaneous >> To Do Personal)

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