Biology of Disease

(backadmin) #1

Post-transplant support

Patients who have just undergone BMT or PBSCT transplantation are highly
susceptible to infections. If transfusions of blood products are required, for
example for anemia, these products should be free of CMV, a virus which is
a latent infection in some individuals. In an immunosuppressed individual,
CMV can cause serious illness.


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Marie is a 31-year-old florist who is blood group O RhD
negative and is seven months pregnant. The father of
her baby is blood group A RhD positive. Marie is wor-
ried about the pregnancy, as she had several miscar-
riages, each of which occurred before three months of
gestation. Despite these miscarriages, Marie has never
become sensitized to the D and has no anti-D antibod-
ies in her circulation.

(a) What are the chances of her baby developing
hemolytic disease of the newborn?

(b) Is Marie likely to become sensitized to the D
antigen after the birth of this child?


John is a 50-year-old school teacher who has recently
been treated for acute myeloid leukemia. His consultant
has recommended that he receives aggressive chemo-
therapy followed by a stem cell transplant. John is likely
to die without this treatment. He has no living siblings
who could donate bone marrow and both his parents
are dead.

(a) What would be the best approach to treating

(b) Is a bone marrow transplant feasible?


Michael is a patient who was taken to the accident and
emergency unit of his local hospital following a stabbing
incident. Michael had lost a lot of blood and required
an immediate transfusion. He was given compatible
leukodepleted blood and fresh frozen plasma. However,
he suffered acute respiratory distress approximately 4 h
after the transfusion. He had hypotension and cyanosis

and a temperature of 39.5oC. Examination of the chest
showed signs of fluid in his lungs.

What is the likely cause of Michael’s respiratory


6.15 Summary

Transfusion of blood and blood products is a routine and safe clinical proce-
dure, which rarely causes harm. Transfusion has been greatly facilitated by
knowledge of the range of blood group antigens and the conditions under
which antibodies to blood group antigens can cause problems. The screen-
ing of donors, for example for HIV or hepatitis viruses, has also increased the
safety of the procedure. The transfusion of incompatible blood can cause the
death of a recipient but this is a rare occurrence. Transfusion laboratories
are involved in ensuring that compatible blood is given to patients and that
all aspects of this procedure are safe. In addition, laboratories monitor the
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