Biology of Disease

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presence of antibodies in pregnant women that might cause problems for a
developing fetus.

Transplantation of solid tissue has progressed considerably since the first
successful kidney transplant and a wide range of tissues and organs are now
transplanted routinely. The rejection of transplants is minimized by a careful
matching of donor and recipient and by the administration of immunosup-
pressive drugs. Bone marrow and other forms of stem cell transplant carry the
risk of GVHD, although this is decreased if good HLA matches are achieved
and if the patients are carefully monitored post-transplant.


  1. Which of the following combinations of plasma and erythrocytes
    would result in agglutination?

a) Group A erythrocytes and group B plasma;
b) Group O erythrocytes and group O plasma;
c) Group B erythrocytes and group O plasma;
d) Group B erythrocytes and group B plasma;
e) Group AB erythrocytes and group A plasma.

  1. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) TRUE?

a) MHC II proteins are found on all nucleated cells.
b) MHC I proteins are found on antigen presenting cells.
c) Complement is a protein complex which lyses bacteria.
d) The classical pathway for complement activation is initiated
by IgA.
e) An ABO incompatible transfusion may be fatal.

  1. Which of the following conditions would mean that a blood donor
    should be removed from the register of donors?

a) previous infection with hepatitis virus;
b) current infection with HIV;
c) pregnancy;
d) donor aged 78 years;
e) intravenous drug abuse.

  1. List the possible causes of a potential transplant patient having
    anti-HLA antibodies in their plasma.

  2. Give one reason why PBSCT is preferable to bone marrow transplanta-

Further Reading

Avent, ND and Reid, ME (2000) The Rh blood group system: a review. Blood
95: 375–387.

Basara, N, Blau, WI, Kiehl, MG, Schmetzer, B, Bischoff, M, Kirsten, D,
Günzelmann, S and Fauser, AA (2000) Mycophenolate mofetil for the prophy-
laxis of acute GVHD in HLA-mismatched bone marrow transplant patients.
Clin. Transplant. 14 ( 2 ): 121–126.


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