Buddhism in India

(sharon) #1
Index 309

other backward classes
(OBCs), 226
other-worldliness, 12

Pahlavas, 169
pain, 12
Pala dynasty, Palas, 172, 177
Pali canon, 11, 53, 55, 63, 79, 87–88,
89–90, 107, 132, 133
Pali Text Society, 234
Pallavas, 172
Panchasakhas, 211
Pandavas, 28
Pandharpur, 200, 201
Pandurang, 206
Pandyas, 138, 172
Panini, 152
panna, 68
Paradas, 169
Paraiyas, 18, 188–90, 236, 237,
238, 240
parallelism, 74
Parashuram, 177
paritta, 95
Parivrajakas, 5
Parliament of World Religions,
Chicago, 234
Parshanatha, 40
Pasadika Suttanta, 100
Pasanedi, 29, 59, 119, 134
Pashandas, See heretics
Pashupati cult, SeeShaivism
passions, 56, 57, 87; control of, 55,
269–70, 271; and indulgence, 113
passionlessness, 148
pastoral nomads, pastoral society,
26, 27, 46, 81
Patacara, 84
paticca samuppada (pratitya
samutpada), 12, 61, 103, 115,
140, 272, 273
Patilagama, 64, 65, 69
Patimokkha, 96
patriarchal, patriarchy, 11, 26, 69,
70, 81–82, 84, 200
patricide, 29
patronage and service, 47
Paundas (Pods), 154

Paundrakas, 45
pauperisation, 257
Pavani, Bhandara, Maharashtra,
peasants, exploitation, 162
Periyapuranam, 188–89
Periyar, 2
persecution, 160
Persians, 45
pessimism, 12, 30, 35
phassa, Seecontact
Phule, Jotirao, 17, 18, 37n, 207n,
225, 227–33, 236, 237, 238, 241,
245, 247, 275
physical form, unity of, 59,
62, 273
pluralism, 270
Pod, 179
political conflicts, 153
political patronage, 96
pollution, Seepurity-pollution,
notion of
‘Poona Pact’, 250
poverty, 67, 238
prakriti, 38, 88–89;and purusha,
39, 59, 81
Pramitra, 169
Prarthana Samaj, 222, 228
Pratiharas, 172, 177
Prayag, 153
promiscuity, 75
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism, The, 146
Protestantism, 17, 144–45, 147
Proto-Munda, 180
psychological causation, 62
psychological orientation, 54
Puggalvada school, 103
Pulaiya, SeeParaiya
Pulakesin, 157–58
Pundravardhana, 153–54
punishments and rewards, 33, 60,
72, 74, 75, 90–91
Pure Land sect, 109, 184, 278
purity-pollution, notion of, 43, 46,
112, 113, 128, 148, 150, 201,
202, 220, 229
Purush Sukta, 44

mleccha, 26, 29, 119, 139, 175,
176, 185
modernity, 18–19, 243, 257
Mohenjo-daro, 26, 117
monarchy, monarchial kingdom,
28, 66, 69
Monasteries: entrepreneurial role,
163; socio-economic role, 164
monasticism, 68, 100
monetary orientation, 144
Mongols, 179
monks, 29; role, 69; social origin, 98
monotheism, 233
Mooknayak, 246
Moon, Vasant, 258, 261, 263
moral, morality, 2, 5, 14, 29, 32, 57,
58, 66, 91, 92, 113, 147, 271;
attainments, 42; responsibility, 39
motivation, 145–46
Mrchhakatika, 136
mudra(women), 111
Mughals, 166
mundakajatilas, 50
Mulapariyaya Suttaof Majjhima
Nikaya, 60, 272
Muller, Max, 96, 234
multicultural society, 117
mundakagahapatis, 67
Muslims, 51, 175, 176–77, 218, 219;
Arabs, 111; conversion, 179–81;
invasions, 161, 162
Mutta, 84
mutuality, 70
mysticism, 196

Nabhadas, 192
Nagarjuna, 8, 102, 109, 112, 115,
131, 155, 170
Nagarjunakonda, 86, 99, 102,
110, 167
Nagas, 129, 153, 155, 202
Nagasena, 93–94
Nagpur, Maharashtra: mass
conversions to Buddhism, 261
Nalanda, 141, 153, 162, 170
nama-rupa, Seename and form
Namasudras, 180
Namdev, 193, 200–01, 207

name and form (nama-rupa),
61–62, 63, 274
Nanak, Guru, 251–52
Nanasambandar, 188
Nandanar, 187–90, 215
Narasu, Laxmi, 2, 9, 239
narrow-mindedness, 217
Nath sect, 194
nationalism, 124, 224, 246
Navayana, 2, 3–7, 8, 14–15, 19,
240, 266, 271
Nayanika, 167
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 16, 223
nibbana, Seenirvana
nidanas, 103
Nirgranthas, 152
nirguna bhakti, 196, 212, 242
nirmanakaya, 108
nirvana, 12, 14, 61, 65, 67, 74, 87,
99, 104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 266,
270; the meaning of freedom,
Nishada, 45
non-action, 58
non-attachment, 49
non-Brahman and Dalit Responses,
non-egotism, 148
non-self, 239
non-violence, 37, 143, 181, 183
normalness, 65

‘obedience’, 67, 96
Odantpura, 170
Olcott, H.S., 234, 237
old age, 13, 14, 61
oligarchies, 28
openness, 148, 220
oppression, 30, 238, 282
Orientalism, 117
Orissa, 155, 177; bhakti movement,
210–12; Bhima Bhoi and the Revolt
against Caste, 225–27; Buddhism,
154;—violence against, 170;
‘Crypto-Buddhism’, 210–13, 227;
Tantra, 89; Vajrayana, 102
Oriya, Oriyas, 89, 154;
identity, 227

308 Buddhism in India

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