Buddhism in India

(sharon) #1
Index 311

samsara, 104, 113, 270
Sanchi, 124
Sangam, See Tamil Sangam
Sangha, 2, 6, 14, 66–68, 76, 162,
174, 183, 254; life of, 95–101;
and society, 64–66
Sangharakshata, 8, 108, 261
Sankara, 160
sankhara, See aggregates
Sankhya, 36, 37, 38, 39, 60–61,
140; dualism, 59
Sanskrit, 87, 88, 89, 165, 166; and
European languages, linguistic
relationship, 228
Sanskritisation, 25
sants, 186–87, 191, 197–98, 201,
206, 207, 212, 213–14
Santhals, 180
Samyutta Nikaya, 12
Sardananda, 192
Sariputra (Sariputta), 90, 131, 273
Sarvajanik Satya Dharma Pustak, The,
by Jotirao Phule, 37n, 232, 233
Sarvastivadin school, 101, 103
Sashanka, 169
Satavahana period: Jatakas, 90;
language, 89; women’s
status, 86
Satavahanas, 94, 99, 109, 117, 155,
167, 170; and Marathas,
connections 42
sat-chit-ananda, 59
Satsar, 231
satva, 38
Satyakama Jabala, 41–42
Satyashodhak Samaj, 228, 241, 245
Sautrantikas, 103, 108
scholasticism, 106
scientific development, Buddhism
and, 139–42
secularism, 2, 18, 223
self, 11, 83, 90, 106, 208; and the
cosmos, 58–64; subjective, 47
self-control, 10, 49, 52, 55, 57,
114, 216
self-identification, 115
self–realisation, 6, 66
self-reliance, 10, 139, 140

Self-Respect General
Conference, 241
Self-Respect Movement, 240
self-sacrifice, 110
selfishness, 242
Sen, Amartya, 276
Senas, 177
seniority, 67
sensation (vedana), 61
sense-impression, 274
sensuality, 56
setthis, 79
sexuality, 81, 111, 112;
in Sangha, 100
Shahu Maharaj of Kolhapur,
241, 246
Shaivism, Shaivites, 48, 52, 153,
156, 158, 159, 172, 177, 187; and
Buddhist conflict, 152
shakti, 32, 50
Shambuk, 51, 72, 168
Shankaracharya, 48, 233
Shantanu, 28
Shantideva, 110, 226
Shastri, Hari Prasad, 235
‘shramik’, 30
shetkari, 80
Shetkaryacha Asud, by Jotirao
Phule, 230, 232
Shinde, Tarabai, 231
Shintoism, 149
Shiva, 50, 105, 160, 164, 176, 200
Shivaji, 72, 204, 207n, 245, 251
‘Shiva-Shakti’, 50
Shree Narayan Dharma Paripalan
(SNDP), 241
Shree Narayana Guru, 241
Shudra (s), 44, 60, 70, 76, 118, 127,
141, 150, 179, 204, 211, 214, 220,
221, 224, 228, 230–31, 245
Shunga, 155
Sibi, 104, 110, 134
Siddha medicine, 112
Sigalovada Suttanta, 69, 83, 100
Siha, 58
Sikandar Lodi, 195
Sikhism, 252
sila, 68

purusha, 38, 81
Pushyamitra Shunga, 170, 172

Queens, role, 167
Questions of Milinda, The,
93–95, 107

racial theory, racism, 127, 221, 266
radicalism, radical socialism, 18,
187, 213, 233, 245
Raj Kumar, 211
rajanyas, 41
rajas, 38
Rajasthan, 177
Rajbansi, 179
Rajputs, 177, 209n, 213
Rama, 48, 72, 155, 168, 222
Ramabai, 231
Ramananda, 191–92, 193, 195
Ramasamy, E.V., 240
Ramayana, 46, 51, 119
Ranya Mahar, 201
Rashtrakutas, 172, 178, 182
rationality, rationalism, 7, 18, 19,
145–46, 147, 181, 224, 243
Ravidas, 191–93, 198, 199, 209n,
241, 242
reality, 13, 59, 276
reasonability, 63
rebirth, notion of, 32, 54, 59, 63, 99,
103, 239, 277–78; See alsokarma
and rebirth
rectitude, 65, 69, 77
religion, 1, 8, 26; and economic
development, 142–48; economic
role, 144; of elders, 102–04; and
modernity, 18–19; sociology of, 4
renunciation, 4, 30, 40, 50, 57, 197
repression, 153
reservation issue, 255
rewards, Seepunishments and rewards
Rhys David, Thomas William, 234
Rhys Davids, C.A.F., 234
Rig Veda, 26, 44, 223
right aspirations, 56
right conduct, 56
right contemplation, 56
right effort, 56

right livelihood, 56
right mindfulness, 56
right speech, 56
right views, 56
righteousness, righteous living, 5, 52,
58, 65, 66, 68–69, 75, 78, 87, 91,
110, 277
rights: and duties, 50; versus
ghettoisation, 175
ritual orientation, 145
ritual skills, 42
ritualism, ritualistic orientation, 17,
44, 52, 63, 141, 147, 163
romanticism, 152
Round Table conference, London,
249, 258
rta, 27
Rudra, 50
Ryokan, 24

sabdavidya(grammar), 141
sacrifice, 17, 46–47, 49, 54, 95, 119,
129–30, 143, 161, 164; and magic,
27; and world order, link, 58–59
saguna bhakti, 196
saguna, 191, 200
sahajiya, 196
Sahyadris: monasteries, 95
Saka, 117
Sakas, 45, 169
Sakka, 91, 107
Sakya Buddhism, Sakyas, 2, 4, 18,
78, 93, 134, 152; in Tamil Nadu,
Sakya Buddhist Society, 237, 241
Sakyamuni, 23, 24
salayakam, Seesix senses
salvation, 5, 10, 40, 106, 145, 277
samana (sramana) tradition, 30–34,
42, 47, 51–52, 54, 58, 65, 66, 67,
73, 81, 100, 101, 107, 141, 168,
273, 280; conflict with
Brahmanism, 188
Samannaphala Sutta, 34, 60
Samata Sainik Dal, 261, 263
Samatata, 154
sambhogakaya, 108
Samkhya, SeeSankhya

310 Buddhism in India

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