The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

Don't mess with the

To do this, move your eyeballs first and then let your head
follow, but your shoulders should remain still. The Power Stare
was used by Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator and
can strike fear into the hearts of would-be intimidators. Better
still, have a policy of dealing only with pleasant people so
you'll never need to whip out your Power Stare.

The Politician's Story

When someone looks around from side to side or won't look us
in the eye when they talk, our trust in their credibility dimin-
ishes dramatically, even though they may be doing it because of
shyness. We had a politician client who was a novice at being
interviewed on television and he constantly flicked his eyes
between the reporters and the cameras when he was being inter-
viewed. This had the effect of making him look shifty-eyed on
the screen and each time he appeared on television his popular-
ity decreased. By training him simply to look at only the
reporter and ignore the cameras, his credibility increased. We
trained another politician to address his answers mainly to the
lens of the television camera when he participated in a televised
political debate. While this alienated the 150 studio audience
guests it impressed millions of television viewers, who felt as 11
the politician was talking directly to them.

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