The Definitive Book of Body Language

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Eye Signals

they have seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched. This tech-
nique is a development of American psychologists Grinder
and Bandler and is known as Neurolinguistic Programming, or
In simple terms, if a person is remembering something that
they saw, their eyes will move upward. If they are recalling
something they heard, they look to the side and tilt their head
as if listening. If they are recalling a feeling or emotion, they'll
look down and to the right. When a person is mentally talking
to themselves, they look down and to the left.

A. Recalling a picture B. Recalling a sound

C. Recalling a feeling D. Talking to oneself

The difficulty is that these eye movements can occur in a frac-
tion of a second and come in clusters making it harder to read
'live'. A videotape replay, however, can let you see discrepan-

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