The Definitive Book of Body Language

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The Definitive Book of Body Language

this process so he's left trying to steal glances at her during the
interview without getting caught and so he becomes distracted
from the actual job of interviewing. Some women are disap-
pointed that, in a supposedly equal business world, men still
do this, but hidden cameras show this to be a fact of business
life whether we like it or not.

Like it or not, everyone steals a look at a woman's rear when
she leaves a room, even if they don't like her front view.

Video cameras also reveal that women interviewers go through
the same evaluation process with both male and female inter-
viewees but women's wider peripheral vision means they rarely
get caught. Women are also more critical than men of female
interviewees whose appearance doesn't stack up. Women look
at a male candidate's hair length, clothes design and co-ordi-
nation, the creases in his trousers and shine on his shoes. Most
men are completely unaware that women look at the condition
of the back of his shoes as he walks out.

When you go for an interview, shake hands and then give the
interviewer a two- to three-second frame of uninterrupted
time for them to complete the process of looking you over.
Look down to open your briefcase or folder, or to arrange any
papers you might need, turn to hang up your coat, or move
your chair in closer, and then look up. In filming sales inter-
views, we found that not only did the interviews feel better for
the salespeople who used this strategy, it added up to a better
outcome in sales results.

What Channel Are You Tuned to?

A person's eye movements can reveal what their mind is focus-
ing on by telling you whether they are remembering something
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