(Frankie) #1

  • specifying the significance of the investigated psychological processes,
    clarifying the concepts used: interests, aptitudes, values, etc.;

  • asking clients to give their opinions on the tasks, the emotions experienced,
    the expectations raised by the evaluation;

  • explaining the value of the clients’ own performance (comparing it against
    the performance obtained in other evaluation contexts, against certain
    norms/standards, the significance of omissions and errors, correcting and
    marking, if applicable), etc.;

  • initiating a career development plan in cooperation with the client.

In classifying the methods employed in career counselling the following criteria may be
held in sight: clients’ needs, purpose and means by which counselling activities are
carried out, the stages in the process, the phases of a counselling sessions, types of
counselling approaches, degree of instruments standardization.

According to the purpose of counselling activities, the methods are generally classified as

  • Methods to gather information on the client: psychological test,
    questionnaire, observation, interview, anamnesis, autobiography,
    self-characterization, school record, focus group, opinion poll, knowledge
    assessment test, analysis of biographical data, analysis of the activity
    products, SWOT analysis, portfolio, etc.

  • Communication methods: conversation, role-play, simulation, exercise,
    narration, pedagogical game, Philips 6/6.

  • Client information methods: materials used to spread information among and
    for the clients (leaflets, guides, other media products), occupational profiles,
    conferences, personal reading, presentation movies, commenting on the radio
    or TV shows.

  • Methods of investigating the labour market: exercises to develop job hunting
    skills, simulating work situations, orientation tours, work shadowing, ICT in
    job tracking, educational fairs, job fairs, mini-stages in enterprises, polls to
    identify needs, case studies.

  • Methods of personal marketing and information management: writing a CV
    and a letter of intent, sitting in a job interview, analysing / drawing up a
    media ad; databases / portals on education and training, professions, jobs.

  • Methods of career planning and development: action plan, personal project,
    weighing alternatives, values clarification, competence survey.

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