(Frankie) #1

  • ETS – Educational Testing Service ( offers substantial
    information on computer-based testing (CBT – Computer-Based Testing).
    The section Tests>Test Link contains a database with descriptions of no less
    than 25,000 tests.

  • SDS – Self-Directed-Search ( offers for
    a fee structured information on career. The testing session lasts 15 minutes
    and ends with a personalized report of 8-16 pages including a description of
    Holland personality types, personal Holland code, a list of occupations, fields
    of study and leisure activities matching personal interests, as well as
    recommendations for using the code in career planning.

  • FastTomato – Control your future! ( ) – online
    interactive career guidance and education service destined to adolescents,
    available for free for 10 days or thereafter for a charge. The site includes an
    Interest questionnaire, Career suggestions, Course suggestions and
    locations, and other instruments for careers education such as: learning plan,
    target setting, development plan, personal assessment. Moreover, there is a
    resource bank for counsellors and teachers.

  • The BUROS Institute ( offers information on
    tests and contact information of test publishers. One can check the online
    catalogue and the subject index.

  • JPA – Journal of Psycho-educational Assessment
    ( provides information on psychological and
    knowledge assessment, multicultural / dynamic / differential diagnosis,
    neuro-psychology, and psychometric characteristics of various instruments.

  • NCME – National Council on Measurement in Education
    ( is an organization setting out to encourage scientific
    progress in educational assessment, improve measurement instruments and
    administration procedures, processing, interpretation, and use. The site offers
    information on theories, techniques and instruments available for educational
    assessment as regards individual, institutional and social characteristics, on
    administration and interpretation procedures.

  • NIMH – National Institute of Mental Health (
    governmental organization coordinating and supporting mental health

  • Psychology from A to Z ( portal for
    information on research and development in the field of psychology all over
    the world, including online counselling.

  • QMARK – Question Mark Computing ( is an
    English web site on computer-based assessment offering tests, exams,
    tutorials and other Internet resources, links, as well as software for need

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