(Frankie) #1
assessment, CBT – Computer-Based Testing, online questionnaires and
testing material for the labour market.

Method assessment

Computer-based psychological testing increases the effectiveness of the process through
its facile scoring, profile drawing narrative interpretative reports, test administration,
design and presentation of multimedia elements for traditional paper-pencil tests, data
processing, interpretative multimedia reports, communication, and connection to other
resources. Computer-based psychological assessment also has the following positive

  • increase in the degree of use of software pertaining to academic aptitude,
    professional interest, value, personality and attitude assessment;

  • adaptability of self-testing programs to the user’s pace and self-image;

  • immediate results;

  • clients prefer computer-based activities (proven by various studies on
    subjects tested, even those unfamiliar with computers).

The use of computers in testing also comes with a series of disadvantages such as: risk
of diminished confidentiality, validity and reliability, inadequate counsellor intervention,
sometimes unavailable, limited access to Internet of certain clients, etc.


Campbell, R. E; Walz, G. R; Miller, J. V; Kriger, S. F. (1978). Career Guidance – A
Handbook of Methods. Ohio, Charles E Merrill Publishing Company.

Esbroeck, R. V. (2001). Teorii ale dezvoltării carierei. În : Orientarea şcolară şi
profesională a tinerilor reziden ţi în zone defavorizate socio-economic şi cultural.
Bucureşti, Afir (

Evangelista, L. (2005). A Silent Revolution – The Impact of the Internet on Careers
Guidance. Florence, Ed. Sonda.

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