(Frankie) #1

(^) •
Evaluate group cooperation behaviour

Listing situations involving difficult emotions: winning or losing in a competition, losing a friend, changes in the family

Cartoons, discussions showing respect and care for the others

Group cooperation / non-cooperation scenarios

How we handle difficult emotions (anger, sadness)?
Social skills


The importance of the contribution of each group member

Advantages of group cooperation

Individual and group project


Practical activities

Individual self-assessment forms

th 8

At the end of the 8


grade, pupils can: •

Explain the importance of social responsibility in various contexts

Show respect for points of view expressed

Anticipate changes in family roles throughout life

The following activities are recommended in the 8

th grade:

Exercises to identify situations where social responsibility is necessary

Practicing pros/cons

Press monitoring: how prejudices and stereotypes appear in news, articles

Group tasks, collage, scenarios on “women’s/men’s role in private and public life”

Social skills •

Social responsibility in the following contexts: school, family, community
Communication •

Respecting various points of view. Prejudices and stereotypes: sources and consequences

Changes in family roles throughout life. Impact of role stereotypes

Expressing personal ideas and arguments through: poster, drawing, collage

Individual and group project


Practical activities

Individual self-assessment forms
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