(Frankie) #1

Appendix 2

Adapted from

Comprehensive counselling and guidance programme fo

r Michigan schools

, 1992

Education levels


Primary school Results of learning

Lower secondary school

Results of learning

I. Career exploration

and planning
A. Career

exploration, planning, development
B. Being a boy or a

girl at school or at work
C. How I make use

of my spare time


At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be abl

e to:

Find out more information on careers

Know the reasons behind people’s work

Know what they prefer and can do best

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Handle jokes from classmates in case they are interested in occupations usually chosen by the opposite sex

Be aware that they can choose any job they like and
can do well

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Get to know various occupations, sports, and leisure activities


. At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be a

ble to:

Become aware of their interests and abilities, and how they influence their career

Understand the importance of plans for the future regarding education, training, and jobs

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Handle disapproval in case they are interested in a
course or job usually chosen by the opposite sex

Become aware of the fact that any courses or jobs are acceptable for either women or men

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Identify adequate leisure activities

II. Knowledge of self

and others
A. Self-understanding

and acceptance


. At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be a

ble to:

Know how to express certain thoughts and feelings important for themselves

Become aware of own qualities and strengths


Know how to handle difficulties and where to seek


At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Be aware of personal values

Understand how thoughts and feelings can influence behaviour


Become aware of physical, social, and emotional
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