Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

previously explained. Over all these varieties of chemical
mineral combinations man at his present stage may have
dominion, but until he has reached the Jupiter Period, that
dominion will not be extended so that he can work with life.
In that Period, however, he will have t he p ower to wor k with
plant life as the Angels do at present in the Earth Period.
Material scientists have labored for many years in an
endea vor to “create” life, but they will not succeed u ntil they
have learned that they must approach the laboratory table
with the deepest reverence, as they would draw near to the
alter in a Temple—with purity of heart and with holy hands,
devoid of greed and selfish ambition.
Such is the wise decision of the Elder Brothers, who
guard this and all the deep secrets of Nature until man shall
be fit to use them for the uplifting of the race—for the glory
of God and not for personal profit or self-aggrandizement.
It was, however, this very loss of power over the vital
forces which the Atlanteans suffered that made it possible
for man to evolve further. After that, no matter how great his
selfishness became, it could not prove absolutely destructive
of himself and of Nature, as would have been the case had
the growing selfishness been accompanied by the great
power possessed by man in his innocent former state.
Thought that works onlyin man is powerless to command
Nature and can never endanger humanity, as would be
possible were Nature's forces under man's control.
The Original Semites regulated their desires to some
extent by the mind, and instead of mere desires, came
cunning and craftiness—the means by which those people
sought to attain their selfish ends. Though they were a very
turbulent people, they learned to curb their passions to a
great extent and accomplish their purposes by the use of

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