Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

cunning, as being more subtle and potent than mere brute
strength. They were the first to discover that “brain” is
superior to “brawn.”
During the existence of this Race, the atmosphere of
Atlantis commenced to clear definitely, and the previously
mentioned point in the vital body came into correspondence
with its companion point in the dense body. The
combination of events gave man the ability to see objects
clearly with sharp, well-defined contours; but it also resulted
in loss of sight pertaining to the inner Worlds.
Thus we s ee, and it ma y b e well to definit ely state it as a
law: No progress is ever made that is not gained at the cost
of some previously possessed faculty, which is later
regained in a higher form.
Man built brain at the expense of the temporary loss of
the power to bring forth offspring from himself alone. In
order to get the instrument wherewith to guide his dense
body, he became subject to all the difficulty, sorrow and
pain which is involved in the co-operation necessary to the
perpetuation of the race; he obtained his reasoning power at
the cost of the temporary loss of his spiritual insight.
While reason benefited him in many ways, it shut from
his vision the soul of things which had previously spoken to
him, and the gaining of the intellect which is now man's
most precious poss ess ion was at first but sadly contemplated
by the Atlantean, who mourned the loss of spiritual sight and
power which marked its acquisition.
The exchange of spiritual powers for physical faculties
was necessary, however, in order that man might be able to
function, independent of outside guidance, in the Physical
World which he must conquer. In time his higher powers
will be regained when, by means of his experiences in his

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