Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

journey through the denser Physical World, he has learned
to use them properly. When he possessed them, he had no
knowledge of their proper use, and they were too precious
and too dangerous to be used as toys, with which to
Under the guidance of a great Entity, the Original
Semitic Race was led eastward from the continent of
Atlantis, over Europe, to the great waste in Central Asia
which is known as the Gobi Desert. There it prepared them
to be the seed of the seven Races of the Aryan Epoch,
imbuing them potentially with the qualities to be evolved by
their descendants.
During all the previous ages—from the commencement
of the Saturn Period, through the Sun and Moon Periods,
and in the three and one-half Revolutions of the Earth Period
(the Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian, and earlier part of the
Atlantean Epochs)—man had been led and guided by higher
Beings, without the slightest choice. In those days he was
unable to guide himself, not yet having evolved a mind of
his own; but at last the time had come when it was necessary
for his further development that he should begin to guide
himself. He must learn independence and assume
responsibility for his own actions. Hitherto he had been
compelled to obey the commands of his Ruler; now his
thoughts were to be turned from the visible Leaders, the
Lords from Venus, whom he worshiped as messengers from
the gods—to the idea of the true God, the invisible Creator
of the System. Man was to learn to worship and obey the
commands of a God he could not see.
Their Leader therefore called the people together and
delivered a soul-stirring oration, which might be thus

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