Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

In Saturn Period there was only one element:
heat—incipient fire ..........................................................234
In Sun Period there was fire and air; in Moon Period
fire, air, water. Here we have four elements ......................234
A new element will be added in the Jupiter Period ..................234

ELEMENTALS or nature spirits; help build our bodies ..................126

EVIL; how it grows and is destroyed ......................................... 42-43
Childlike faith and scepticism compared .................................... 6

Distinct from mere response to impacts ................................... 32
A separate desire body necessary to TRUE feeling .................. 57
Interest andIndifference; the twin feelings which
move the world.................................................................. 45
Remorse ................................................................................. 47
Archetypes of feeling .............................................................. 50
Effect of sharp purgatorial pain on future lives .......................109
Mathematic study raises us above feeling ...............................203
Pineal gland once an organ of feeling .....................................262
Feeling was awakened by torture in Lemuria ..........................279
Rmoahals developed finer feelings: joy and sorrow,
pleasure and pain, etc .......................................................294
Tlavatlis developed ambition .................................................295

Relative free will of mineral, plant, animal and
man compared .................................................................. 83
All evil acts in life at least are voluntary .................................110
Choice regarding place of Rebirth .................................. 129, 136
Epigenesis more than choice of action ....................................135
Original Semites the first to be given free will and
made responsible to Law of Consequence .........................301
Causes when ripened to maturity become destiny ...................136
Mature destiny cannot be escaped (story) ...............................161
The stars: the clock of Destiny ...............................................163
Poem on free will and destiny ................................................163
Free will bought at cost of pain and death ....................... 288, 363

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