Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Angels, Recording (cont.)
overrule free will, 136, 161.
watch unseen, 136.
Anglo-Saxon, fifth race of fifth epoch, 304.
Anger, great danger of, 144.
Animal group spirits govern by suggestion, 78, 83.
send animals into re-embodiment, 357.
sufferings of, 78.
work through blood, 350, 356.
Animal group spirits,see also Group Spirits.
Animal kingdom, classification of, 416.
Animal Spirit, has reached Desire World, 77.
not yet indwelling, 69.
not individualized, 356.
Animals aided by angels, 222.
aided by archangels, 222, 427.
as food undesirable, 459.
blood infusion of, 356.
clairvoyance of, 77.
classification of, 416.
cold- and warm-blooded, 36, 37, 69.
color of, changes, 37.
consciousness of, 74, 83.
constitute physical bodies of group spirits, 79.
desire body of, 65, 68, 69.
domesticated, 70.
evolution of, begun in Sun Period, 224, 427.
free from sickness and pain, 288.
have no will of their own, 83.
humanity of the Jupiter Period, 70, 342, 446.
hybrids, 357.
instinct of, 78.
killing of in “sport”, 461.
man compared with, 57.
missing link, 342.
more advanced than man at same stage, 69.
protection of, 462.
reflecting ether inactive in, 59.
seed atom of, withheld, 357.
sent into re-embodiment, 357.
symbolized by cross, 86, 535.
thinking of, 59, 70.
vehicles of, not concentric, 77, 293.
vital body built by angels, 222, 349.
warm blooded, 36, 69.
younger brothers of man, 345, 446.
wild, propagation of, regulated, 288.

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