Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

earned by pioneers of west, 315.
fundamentally unifying, 384.
has reached third step, 303.
ideals too high for masses, 384.
looks for one to come again, 386.
malpractice of, 392.
purpose of, 352, 373, 433, 435.
religion of future, 367.
shadow of true Christ religion, 360.
to cross to Asia, 516.
to culminate on Pacific Coast, 516.
travels westward, 516.
true esoteric, 17, 164.
Christians have ever present Savior, 408.
striving to love right, 303.
Church and state, necessary separation of, 386.
Circulation of blood, control of, 399.
Clairvoyance, among Lemurians, 281.
aspirant must control, 476.
caused by pineal gland, 473, 477, 479.
caused by sense centers, 67.
contact with inner worlds, 477.
destroyed by mixing blood, 355.
developed by study of mathematics, 203.
disbelief in, 26.
four conditions destroyed, 359.
inherent in all, 19.
involuntary in animals, 77.
involuntary in children, 140, 281.
involuntary in mediums, 140, 241.
must be sought unselfishly, 476.
not universal knowledge, 25.
of Hindus and Indians, 241.
produced by intermarriage, 354.
purity of desire for, 476.
training for, 19, 25, 41, 470-497.
undesirable development of, 531-532.
use of, 476.
value of information obtained by, 20.
various versions result of, 25.
vital body loosened in, 241.
Clairvoyants trained, accept no money, 68, 400, 476.
Clairvoyants, voluntary, control own body, 242.
caused by sense centers, 473-474.
Clairvoyants, voluntary (cont.)
differ in observation, 26.
have no “off days”, 474.

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