Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Lemurians were, 281.
positive sense centers revolve clockwise, 474.
to distinguish true, 68, 400.
Clan, Scots cling to, 353.
spirit of, 351.
Clan,see also race spirits.
Cleansing Blood, 400, 406-408.
bore Sun Spirit, 407.
Christian doctrine of, 406-411.
doctrine of, saves from despair, 402.
necessity for, 406.
Climate altered by man, 125.
Clock of Destiny, 163.
Coal degenerated plant forms, 343, 504.
Cocoa undesirable food, 452.
Cohesion manifestation of Supreme Being, 375.
Coincidence defense of skeptic, 113.
Color, changes with season, 37.
deposited in all kingdoms by light ether, 37.
in Second Heaven from sound, 124.
produced by tone, 123.
realm of, 119.
relation of, to tone, 123.
Seven Spirits before the Throne related to, 253.
Trinity represented by, 253.
Colors, in spectrum, 253.
invisible, 253.
of days and periods, 413.
of seven rays, 439.
three primary, 253.
true thought pictures of, in Jupiter Period, 418, 419.
Comenius and discovery of gas, 250.
Compassionate Ones, 118.
Elder Brothers are among, 529.
Comte de St. Germainsee Saint-Germain, and Christian
Concentration aid in building inner vehicle, 486, 489.
compared to sleep, 483.
conquers desire body, 463.
deals thoroughly with things, 494.
favorable time for, 485.
must be cultivated, 483, 487, 489.
striking instance of, 488.
Concentration (cont.)
suggested subjects for, 487.
upon sense centers, 484.
Conception, and mold of vital body, 137.

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