Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

and Mars action in blood, 268.
assimilates past experience, 96-139.
assumes upright position, 236, 269.
attraction to parent’s heredity, 156.
becomes indwelling, 269.
benefit from postmortem interval, 250.
birth of, determined by expediency, 161.
birth of, when spirit takes possession of its
vehicles, 143, 266.
bi-sexual, 267.
blood the direct vehicle of, 91, 143, 238, 350.
born ahead of schedule, 161.
born at intervals, 129.
born twice during precession of sign, 160.
builds archetypes in Heaven, 128.
claims of past lives upon, 136.
consciousness developed by work of desire body, 456.
connected with threefold body by link of mind, 95.
controls dense body by means of blood, 239, 350.
controlled by race spirit, 350.
definition of, 216.
demands birth to gain experience, 129.
deprived of birth, 469.
drawn to birth, 357.
drives blood into brain, 239.
effect of wine upon, 168.
effected by change of temperature, 144.
emancipation from Race Spirit, 313, 352.
enters dense body, 236, 269, 294.
enters mother’s womb, 138.
evolution depends on vehicles, 289, 363.
evolving free will, 357.
extracts quintessence of bodies, 124.
for proper functioning normal blood, 144.
functions in world of Abstract Thought, 88.
gained illusion of separateness, 216.
gaining control of heart, 396.
gathers material for new bodies, 133.
guide of body, 156.
has reached into physical world, 74.
has state of waking consciousness, 75.
helped by international marriage, 359.
highly individualized, 71, 357.
Ego (cont.)
in Atlantis, not indwelling, 292, 294.
incarnates in alternate sex, 160, 280.
individual spirit, 352.

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