Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

learns construction of body, 126.
liberation from family spirit, 351.
limited by descent into matter, 81.
lower nature an illusory reflection of, 398.
manner of collecting materials for bodies, 135.
material of bodies previous to birth, 134, 138.
must cleanse its vehicles, 432.
must complete divine plan, 423.
operates by heat of blood, 350, 356.
outgrows race bodies, 289.
outside of vehicles when enraged, 144.
outside of bodies during sleep, 482.
part played by parents, 137.
positive pole of, manifests as life, 248.
powerless to avoid destiny, 136.
prayers to, prepare reception for threefold soul, 435.
prepares for rebirth, 133-139.
previous to birth has only seed atoms, 133.
primordial state of, 216.
real home second heaven, 124, 127.
refracted into three aspects, 398.
relation of, to other vehicles, 88, 95.
selection of gastric juices, 237.
should control body, 394.
three aspects of, 95, 397.
threefold veil of spirit, 216.
three points in head, 397.
three requirements of, 86.
unindividualized before Christ, 351.
uses blood, 143.
vehicle of virgin spirit, 88, 216.
vehicles of, interpenetrated after birth, 139.
when first indwelling very weak, 348.
wisdom of, working subconsciously, 237.
work of, to achieve union with Higher Self, 432.
work of, upon vehicles negligible, 138.
works outward through seven orifices, 522.
Ego,see also Divine Spirit, human spirit, life spirit.
Egos, incoming, failure to provide suitable vehicles for, 467-469.
Eighth Sphere, the Moon, 264.
Elder Brothers, among the Compassionate Ones, 529.
and books not written directly by, 270.
combat materialism, 113, 409, 529.
Elder Brothers, (cont.)
concerned for safety of Western World, 113, 529.
educate few to receive teachings, 510.
guard secrets of creation of life, 299.

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