Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

tending towards good, 42.
transmuted to good, 282.
Evolution, and birth and death, 401.
and caduceus, 412.
and end of races, 289, 291, 341.
and fall of man, 190, 363.
Ariadne’s thread, 201.
comprehension of, elevates mind, 202.
deals with qualified and unqualified, 224.
depends on soul growth, 425.
end of, gaining experience, 158.
end of human, is godhood, 185.
epigenesis, backbone of, 135.
exactness of, 166.
four stages of, 416.
hastened by Christ’s advent, 407-408.
history of spirit’s progression in time, 151.
impulse of, toward perfection, 401.
Initiation hastens, 526-527.
involution and epigenesis, 336-344.
man’s began after expulsion of Mars, 263.
method of man’s, 87-146.
never repeats, 135, 227.
now most critical, 231, 401.
of earth, 261-307.
of life waves, 184.
of lower organisms, 416.
of man and planet, 404.
of man only on earth, 275.
of man’s spiritual powers, 287.
of scientist, form side only, 185, 342.
path of, 151, 194-200, 227.
period following involution, 185, 201.
period of gaining omniscience, 185.
power developed by, 415.
prevents degeneration, 344.
progress or retrogression, 341.
purpose of, 201, 282, 338.
rendered original, 185.
revolutions and cosmic nights, 195-200.
scheme of, 183-192, 245.
seven stages of, 188-192, 411.
speed and adaptability, 223.
Evolution, (cont.)
stage of, in man’s bodies, 77.
stage indicated by perfection of skeleton, 456.
steps of, passed by embryo, 344.

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