Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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prenatal building, 128, 138.
proved by science, 338.
Epigenesis,see also Genius.
Epochs, described in Bible, 327.
figurative days of creation, 327.
five to present, 165.
germinal mind given in fourth, 245.
seven in human life wave, 271.
Equinoxes, precession of, governs rebirth, 159.
Esoteric Christians, ideal of, 303.
Esoteric information, real, never sold, 485.
Esoteric training, of vital body, 381.
diet and hygiene in, 440-441.
effective when doubt is stilled, 439-440.
teaches neophyte to distinguish life from form in
desire world, 480.
teaches neophyte to function consciously in inner
worlds, 480.
Essenes, cared for Jesus’ body, 382.
educated Jesus, 379.
Jewish sect, 379.
Ether, density of, in Southern California, 532.
forms an envelope for dense atoms, 58.
four states of, 16, 30, 58.
permeability of, 34.
physical matter, 30, 34.
transmitter of electric vibrations, 34.
Ether, planetary, interpenetrates physical atoms, 58.
imparts vitality to dense forms, 30.
Etheric bodysee Vital Body.
Etheric region, extends beyond earth, 53, 179.
fluidic stratum of, earth corresponds to, 503.
physical but invisible, 34.
reflection of world of life spirit, 51, 397.
unexplored by material science, 34.
unrolling of life panorama in, 102.
vital body of a planet, 59.
Ethers, four in man, 59.
supply vital forces, 35, 39.
Ethers four,see also Chemical ether, Life ether, Light ether,
and Reflecting ether.
Evening Exercise, 701.
Ever-existing essence, 322.
Everlasting salvation or damnation, 151, 229.
Evil, destruction of, 43.
first among Lemurians, 280.
obliterated by good, 111.

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