Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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lost by admixture of strange blood, 357-358.
of occult scientist, 34.
Failure, ceasing to try, 408.
Failures, stragglers differentiated from, 264.
have opportunities in later scheme, 501.
Faith, advantages of, in medicine, 63.
Faith, childlike, advantage of, 5.
Fall of man, doctrine of, 360-364.
a temporary state 282.
gave consciousness of death and pain, 362.
Family, integrity of, fostered by spirit of, 353.
Family names, much honored 351.
Family spirit, lives in hæmoglobin of blood, 354.
Family spirits, liberation from, 351.
Family spirits (see also Race spirits).
Fate, ripe, cannot be avoided, 136, 163.
Father differs from other two of Trinity, 179.
highest Initiate of Saturn Period, 376, 377.
Father, religion of, for future, 435.
not of earth, 435.
to eliminate separateness, 435.
to spiritualize dense body, 435.
Fauna, changes in archetype of, 49.
worked upon by man, 125.
Fear of God, origin of, 310, 371, 395.
Feeling, action in Desire World, 46.
archetype of, exists in aerial region, 50.
aroused by torture, 279.
creates interest or indifference, 45.
deepened by purgatorial suffering, 109.
distinct from motor response, 32.
earth has, 505-506.
evolved by Rmoahals, 294.
emotional soul grows by, 424.
expression of self-consciousness, 32
importance of, 109.
is “still small voice”, 109.
mathematics liberates from, 203.
sensitory, localized in pineal gland, 262.
separate desire body for true expression of, 57.
region of, 45-47.
Fertilization depends on seed atom, 137, 461.
prevented by group spirit, 137, 461.
Fiery nebula is spirit, 249.
Fire, divine origin of, 304.
First Heaven,see Heaven, first.
Fission, reproductive method in Polaria and Hyperborea, 262-263.

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