Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Five dark globes, 208.
Flame, Lords of,see Lords of Flame.
Flesh-eater, must replenish body cells more often than
fruitarian, 459.
Flesh foodsee Food.
Flood, destroyed Atlantis, 304.
Flora, changes in archetypes of, 49.
worked upon by man, 125.
Flowers, suitable subject of concentration, 487.
plucking of, gives pleasure to Earth Spirit, 65, 505.
Fluid, solar, 10, 62.
Fetus, human, bi-sexual at first, 347.
formation of, 441, 442.
Food as factor in involution, 166.
assimilation of, 457-460.
chemical, of future, 458, 454.
chocolate, importance, of 452.
cocoa, undesirable, 452.
earthy matter in, 444.
flesh food, inferior nutritive value of, 458, 459.
importance of sugar, 447.
individual needs of, 84, 448.
influence upon various epochs, 165-168.
life in every particle, 457.
nutritive value of, 450, 451.
of future made in laboratories, 458.
phosphorous valuable as, 452.
plant, seed, and eggs, 461.
pure, envelopes vital and desire bodies with purer
substance 440-441.
table of food values, 450.
wine as, 168.
Food,see also Nutrition.
Force, chemical, moves matter, 121.
dual creative, 324.
related to matter, 120.
uncrystallized spirit, 120, 247.
within, altruistic, 368.
within, genius, 185.
Force, vital,see Vital force.
Forces, archetypal, work on matter, 49, 51.
negative in children and mediums, 140-141.
of attraction and repulsion, 42-47.
Forces, (cont.)
of nature great intelligences, 49.
of nature, in reflecting stratum, 506-507.
only two active in formation of universe, 324.

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