Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Gills, man once possessed organs similar to, 346.
Gimle, regenerated earth of Norse mythology, 383.
Ginnungagap, the Norse Chaos, 247.
Giving, the ethics of, 114.
Glands, acquired by man in Sun Period, 211.
ductless, little known concerning, 473.
expression of vital body, 395, 455.
Globes, five dark, 208, 528.
and corresponding periods, 245.
densest is chaos, 528.
Earth, densest of, 233.
passage of life wave through, 196-200, 245.
we inhabit during cosmic nights, 528.
Globes, seven, evolution and involution in, 195.
dissolution of, 200.
evolutionary impulses travel through, 195-200.
fields of evolution, 264.
interpenetration of, 195.
passage of life wave through, 196-200.
Gobi Desert, 301, 310.
God, aggregate of hierarchies, 183, 253, 325.
and creation of solar system, 187.
architect of solar system, 177, 180.
ascription of numbers to, 253.
collectively the planetary spirits, 253.
co-workers of, 325.
differentiated from Trinity, 179.
distinguished from Supreme Being, 179.
dual in manifestation, 325.
dwells in highest world, 182.
Elder Brother mediators of, 327.
expression of Absolute Spirit, 186.
in whom we live, 87, 179.
logically necessary, 129, 323.
love of, to awaken altruism, 371.
man exists in, 179.
merges into Absolute, 200.
mysteries of, open to man, 154.
only object of man’s worship, 302.
powers of, in man, 430.
relation of, to man, 177-182.
sun visible symbol of, 181.
God, (cont.)
symbolized by nature, 129.
temple of, within man, 171.
those born of, 538.
three attributes of, 323.

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