Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

tribal, work of, 372.
various stages in worship, 302, 371.
within man as ego, 171.
word of, 374.
God,see also Father, Son, Jehovah.
God, World of, ninth stratum of earth corresponds to, 507.
Gods, we are, 171.
Golgotha, mystery of, 374, 400-406.
Good, spirit’s assimilation of, 47, 95, 123.
in everything, our aim to seek, 493.
Good and Evil, comprehension of, necessary, 282.
distinguished by man, 287, 465.
in Jupiter Period, 418.
Lemurian’s conception of, 280.
Governments, inevitable changes of, 437.
Grail Cup, 409.
search for, 114, 115.
Grail Knight Initiates helped by Jesus, 409.
Grape juice, wonderful solvent, 448.
Gratitude, important factor in soul growth, 114.
Great silence, 122.
Grief, effect of, 109.
Group Spirit, one common, before Jehovah, 351.
Group Spirits, archangels are, 349.
cause reproduction, 357.
cause similarity of appearance, 71.
contrasted with ego, 74, 78, 82, 350.
control rebirth of animals, 357.
crystallize bodies from themselves, 72.
currents of encircle Earth, 86.
denizens of Desire World 74, 82.
direct desire currents inward, 69.
ego must free itself from, 82.
evolutionary progress of, 82.
influence their charges from without, 72.
ingenuity of, 78.
instinct from, 78.
lowest vehicle in Desire World, 74.
of animals, 81-85, 158, 350.
of trees, 494-495.
oppose marriage into other species, 356.
promptings of, 78.
Group Spirits, (cont.)
similar to Jehovistic rule, 349.
suffer when charges suffer, 78.
unwilling to relinquish hold on blood, 356.
vehicles of aggregation of virgin spirits, 82.

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